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Actively buying and selling legally obtained authentic Native American artifacts.
Contact Dan at 636-222-3817 or email at for appraisals or questions.

Tamra Point
Early Archaic
Dating between 7500 B.C. and 6500 B.C.

Distribution: Very limited, having been found in Arkansas and Missouri only.
Comments: This Sociotechnic Hardin, is an early relative of the Scottsbluff, having comparable flaking, and resharpening process. It differs from the Hardin with the addition of an extra set of barbs. The double barbs allowed the maker to slide a hollow handle, presumably a small animal bone that was thick walled, and has a small diameter, onto the narrow stem. The smaller and lower set of barbs acted as a "stop" for the handle. It could then be tied together without the risk of damaging or breaking the primary, or larger set of barbs. This would have allowed for the full use of the lateral blade edge, as a knife, without the risk of the handle being torqued into one of the primary barbs and breaking it. Figure "B" in the illustration above, has been resharpened to the extent of being discarded, or having been used as a hafted scraper.
This point is one of only a few known authentic examples and is the type example featured in Mr. Grangers book on Early Archaic Typology.
Preform: Triangular with convex sides and a straight to slightly convex basal edge.
General Description: This is an extremely rare, large to medium size knife form that has a triangular blade with convex, straight or recurved edges. Much like the Scottsbluff point, all four faces were resharpened together, which resulted in the fine edge work, but did not create beveled edges. The stem ranges from short to long, and may be expanded. The basal may be straight, or convex. Stem edges are ground and stem corners may be sharp, rounded or "eared". Shoulders are prominently double barbed. The Largest examle known, "Figure A", is 4 5/16 inches.
Age & Culture: Early Archaic, expected to date in the 7,500 B.C. range.
This is the type example as named by Stephen Granger found by Tamra & Johnny Parnell, near Egypt, Arkansas.

*The above article was written and produced courtesy of Stephen Granger. It is used with express permission of Mr. Granger.
Tamra Point Example 2
A small well used Tamra point found in Stoddard Co Missouri. This was purchased in a small collection found years ago. I kept it as an oddity and just recently realized what it was.

Tamra Point Example 3

This point came from the Johnny Parnell Collection in Greene Co Arkansas.
Hardin Eccentric Example
This Hardin point is not a Tamra, but appears to have been side notched at some point after it was made. It may have been the Hardin people or possibly a later culture. The double notching on the Tamara would come up from the base and run parallel to the original notching.

Hardin Eccentric Example Modified by Later Culture
This Hardin is an example we believe was not an intentional eccentric, but a point modified to be hafted by a later cultures technology. This is speculation, but seems a likely reason for the modification. This point is not a Tamra, but needed to be shown to avoid confusion between modified, eccentrics, Hardins, Tamras, etc. They are all the same culture and basic technology with hafting and artistic variation.

Merkle Example

A classic Merkle point dating from Late Archaic to Woodland. (4000 to 2000 B.P.) These were made intentionally as double notches. The notches were not added later and are the defining feature of this point type.

Moss Agate Eccentric
Burlington Colorado

A very rare eccentric type we purchased from the finder out of Burlington, Colorado. The material is Moss Agate and the eccentric is quite translucent. This piece was found on an archaic site outside of Burlington. We've shown it here to illustrate other forms of eccentric pieces made by Native Americans.

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