This EXPANDED BIT CELT was part of the Glenn Leesman Collection and came from either Missouri or Illinois. It is no brainer authentic. It is made from a beautiful Hardstone material. The top and bottom are flat and will free stand on a shelf. The bit has been re-pecked by the original Indian user and maker and he had not gotten to the grind / polish part of the process.This makes this a very cool study piece. It is a very classic example with a flat square back. It will free stand on the back on a flat surface. There is no modern damage. It is 100% guaranteed authentic and is an easy one to tell. Authentic Celts with good honest history are seldom offered for sale. This Celt displays very well and it will make an excellent addition to any authentic collection.
This collection was bought by a friend of ours and we ended up buying some of it. Most of Glenns collection is pictured in Who's Who Vol 6 and Vol 9 through pages 187 and 188. Included in the collection were some fine Illinois and Missouri projectile points and knives. There were also quite a few Axes in all styles and sizes. Everything in this group was authentic and unaltered. It is one of the cleanest collections we have sold in quite some time. Mr. Leesman worked for Caterpillar Corporation. He is a well known collector of Midwestern artifacts.
Size 7.62 inches in length. CLT1
Expanded Bit Celt Missouri / Illinois Leesman Collection EB
Call us at 1-636-296-6380 to make an offer.